Monday, April 25, 2005
Feels great to get outta the house after being under HOUSE ARREST for a full week. I played a neat April fool gag on my friends but it backfired and bit me in the ass... so much for me having the last laugh. I'm feeling a little happy today to hear that the efforts put in, have yielded superb results. I had taught a friends sister and helped her with her exams, and she cleared all her papers today. Hearing that was so satisfying. I've helped her before with her exams and on all attempts she pulled through. Good for her!!!
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Arey wah bhai waah... my subjects are responding to the comments thingie (just when i was about to pop my lid and remove the posts thingie... hehehehe)... i love you guys... you make me happie... speaking of happie i kinda enjoyed myself last night (no you frikin perverts, don't get them stupid ideas in your heads). Went and saw this AWESOME movie called BE COOL... what a cast, what a frikin superb cast of people in that movie. Hilarious and entertaining at the same time. Uma Thurman was too beautiful (in the strict and pure sense of beauty which most people tend to ignore when a set of breast appear in front of them). The woman’s got the most beautiful smile. Now why did THE ROCK (from WWE) have to be a fag in that movie is something i fail to understand but he played his part well. Infact the whole cast played their roles well. Wanna watch the movie again. Warm wishes and misses to all of you guys who read this post.
Monday, April 11, 2005
An educational post here... Especially to people of the illerate kind. Fuck emailing me, you guys can't even post a frikin silly hi in the comments. Every comment on the dam page reads as ZERO. Surprisingly only one female posted and she wasn't even a friend???... Madar Chods... i've just been realising new things as days go by about the so called good and dear friends i have as of now, just some of them not all of them. Fuck it i'm in too good a mood to waste my time and energy typing about them now. I went to Pune this weekend and it was a wonderful trip. Had alot of quality time to myself and that was just what was needed. (I WISH YOU WERE THERE VILAS' OLD BUDDIE) Arey the new place it a frikin MANSION. Your parents have done a superb/spectacular/JAW-DROPPING job on the mansion. Can't wait to go back there again. Vilas' dad has put an awesome music system in the hall. Whilst there the only comic relief i had was with Vilas' Sister, his two doggies Snoopie and Truffle, and Harsha (who lives in Pune, got a chance to speak to her over the phone and had a hilarious and sweet conversation with her). Pune is too relaxing. 1 hour in Pune felt like 3 hours. Man i'm so gonna go back there again in May... >=)
Thursday, April 07, 2005
I think Hotmail's lost their mangoes maan!!... when i signed into my hotmail account today at about 17:45, i checked the storage capacity and it showed 250MB.... >=O i was shocked and was momentarily excited with the extra space they gave. But i thought it was too good to be true. I signed out and signed back in only to get disappointed, as the storage capacity was still at 2MB... on the brighter side of life GMAIL's offering about 2067MB the last time i checked... WELL GUESS WHAT !!!... if you go to this site you'll be surprised with what they have to offer now... check it out y'all
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Cuz life can just get that fucked up sometimes.... >=(
In Loneliness I seek,
A Friend I can't find,
Who'd hold my hand,
And say things would be fine.
Just messaging to say,
I wish you were here,
For in Loneliness I seek,
And I wish you were near.
(Surprisingly after i sent this message to my friends, i got a ton of messages back. The message just went out to one special lost friend. For kicks i forwarded it to a few others. Not that i didn't need their friendship, but it was an eye opener for me. (i've been feeling a little neglected these days... waaahhhh!!! =( ... but i don't care now.) Thanks to Sabina who actually called me up at about 00:00 and asked me whether i was ok... she's a sweetheart sometimes. Others like Ahsrah, Imhsar, Ateem, Inar and Anpaws really put a smile on my face. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!)
In Loneliness I seek,
A Friend I can't find,
Who'd hold my hand,
And say things would be fine.
Just messaging to say,
I wish you were here,
For in Loneliness I seek,
And I wish you were near.
(Surprisingly after i sent this message to my friends, i got a ton of messages back. The message just went out to one special lost friend. For kicks i forwarded it to a few others. Not that i didn't need their friendship, but it was an eye opener for me. (i've been feeling a little neglected these days... waaahhhh!!! =( ... but i don't care now.) Thanks to Sabina who actually called me up at about 00:00 and asked me whether i was ok... she's a sweetheart sometimes. Others like Ahsrah, Imhsar, Ateem, Inar and Anpaws really put a smile on my face. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!)
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