Today is a very luck and not so lucky day for me. I met with my very first accident today. It happened at 09:15. I was hit by a Green Santro driven by a Mr. Vilas Shirsekar (Liscense plate number MH04AW7792) Our boy happens to make a left turn into the building by driving out completely to the center of the road. He doesn’t indicate and claims that I was going really fast. Fact was that he was in the middle of the road, didn’t indicate when turning and then says it was my fault. Ya rite riding at the speed of 35Kmph and falling 15 feet away from his car while the bike skid and landed about 30 feet away from me!! Anyways I’m feeling bad that my best formal wear got torn and my brother’s bike got damaged. >=( .. I’m ok… got a few bruses but nothing major. Realized something today that I need to enjoy life to it’s fullest.. I was lucky this time that nothing serious happened to me (like what happened to another good friend of mine). I just want other’s to realize that life’s too short and I want to make them realize that each of them are special to me, before my time is over. To all I’ve shared a relationship with. I appreciate your presence in my life and I just want to tell each of you that I am happy that I got a chance to know you… as a grandson…. as a brother…. as a lover… as a son… as a friend… Glad I got to know you….
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