Hmmm… chatting… I don’t understand a few things about chatting, especially when it comes to women. A few of them that I chat with come across as very talkative (actually most of them are… lol). Anyways I chat (via the internet) with them occasionally and it is quite amazing. I simply do not get it… Check out this conversation I had with one such woman.
[11:25] outkast_ryder: good... so what are you up too??? Listen if you wanna get a date for the Christmas party then please be my guest...
[11:25] sweetprincess_002002: no re
[11:26] sweetprincess_002002: I don’t ve ny1 :(
[11:26] outkast_ryder: well then get lucky... you are a woman, so use that God given advantage
[11:26] sweetprincess_002002: matlab??
[11:27] outkast_ryder: whatever you wanna make of it... and please type more instead of one question answers... :@
[11:28] sweetprincess_002002: I didn’t get what do u want to say...
[11:28] outkast_ryder: oh Christ... I give up :(
I always have these long sentences and they always seem to have weird one question answers to everything. Even the most, simplest question leaves them perplexed. I wonder why they do what they do. Well guess that’s why people say that God’s creations are amazingly surprising.