Breath-taking, Awe-frikin-some, Outstanding, Amazing, Eye-popping, Jaw dropping, Captivating, Over-whelming are just some of the words that come to mind when I sit and reminiscence about those moments I went for Transformers. YES MOMENTS I WENT FOR TRANSFORMERS!!! 3 days, 3 shows, 3 different rows… and I’m still waiting for one more. That being, me getting my hands on the DVD for Transformers. I had been waiting for the day Transformers was gonna release and that day finally arrived. Watching that movie truly made me realize that patience is truly a virtue. I could have watched the movie before its release date (cause I got my hands on the copy of the movie before its release) but thanks to my own self control and a little help from dear ones, I was able to enjoy the full movie experience. 17th August 2007, 10:00am gave me my hearts desire and filled me with tears of joy. I have a lot I can put down on the site about the movie but I’ll sum it up in a few words.
What can I say about the movie? I’m a transformer fan right from the start. I remember back in the school days, when cable was new and not many people knew about cartoons that aired themselves early in the morning, I was the one that stood out from the crowd. I clearly remember waking up at 04:30 everyday and setting up the VCR to record Transformers which aired at 05:00 then going to school and talking about it to people who in return acknowledge my words with a big question mark above their heads. That was like my early morning ritual everyday just like brushing your teeth. But then my heart broken when they pulled Transformers off the air and replaced it with some other cartoons (which couldn’t be compared to Transformers), which then eventually got pulled off the air for an even more crappy show (which is even worse than the crappy cartoon) and then later on it just went Hindi! (Ok I’ll stop here otherwise it’s profanity all the way ahead). But just like Optimus Prime said, “All is not lost!” it finally arrived. I got my hands on some neat episodes of Transformers and ultimately the movie came out after a very loooooooong anticipated waiting period. 10 for CG, 8 for BMG (because I thought that they would put a lot of the other tracks in the movie instead of the ones they actually used), 6 on the love story between Sam and Makela (which was sad, but who gives a flying F*&^ about that, I just wanted to see the transformers babie). Overall a solid 10 on the WOW meter! Sweet firkin rides – I clearly remember the first movie experience. I yelled my ass off so loud that I was one with the sound system in the theatre. There were other contenders like myself which simply multiplied to the movie experience. It’s nice to be around people who share the same interest like yourself especially in a place where people don’t know where you are coming from and who find it hard to understand what The Matrix was all about. (Yeah go figure?) The only sad part about the movie is that it didn’t get the recognition it deserved. Not many people knew about the movie until they saw it, and after they saw it they were truly more-than-satisfied.
They’ve got a second part to the movie in production but I don’t know how far that is true, nevertheless if it’s gonna release I’ll know exactly what to do… =)