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This is where a few of my thoughts dwell in cyber space. This is where it’s all about me as opposed to “It’s all about the other person in the real world”. It’s all about feeling and emotions first, when it comes to me. I believe in the Golden Rule - "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." - Would you do the same for me???
Hey Buddy Boy....How u doing mate..????....Well i was surfing the Inet and stumbled over your blog....Nice to see ya after such a long long time ...I mean a really long long time.... Hows things at your end .???...I know em posting this message as an anonymous 2 legged human being but that where the catch is ...Let me c if you know who this modern worlds homo sapien is ..??? Guess guess...Give u a tiny clue to start with...We had spent a lot of time together...Lets c how good you are in hitting the nail on the head...Bye for now ...
Awwww... come on... why is everyone making me guess. the suspense is killing me =D. Did i mention anywhere on my blog that i have a 15sec memory span. If you haven't read it then trust me - I HAVE A 15 SEC MEMORY SPAN. you tell me that we've spent a lot of time together? well i've spent alotta time with a lotta people so its not a tiny clue... it's more like a miniscule clue. Please help me out and gimme a real clue. I'm sure you'll be able to do that seeing as how "WE'VE SPENT ALOTTA TIME TOGETHER!!" Peace =) and help me out won't you?
Well.....Dude I want you to tax your brains a little bit in guessing who this anonymous friend is .....I sure you will get shell shocked tha day i disclose my identity..... Learn to have patience my friend.....Its a mother of all virtues....hahaha....As far as the 15 sec mem span goes I will not buy that nigger....be realistic man.....hahaha.....Give u another clue today..lets test your so called 15 sec mem span once again...U were an expert in making chits for the examinations...haha..Actually we all were good at it...hahah
aite man... This is Steven. correct? if not then lemme know and i'll continue this guessing game... btw the 15 sec mem span hold true to my case... i'm being FOR REAL!!! =D
Hola once again....U kinda hit the nail on the little toe...Your guess is not even close to hitting the nail on the head....hahaha....Give u another clue...U can extract a few letters from the name mentioned above and put em 2gether...that would definitely give u a slight trace or indication of who this Anony.. friend really is....!!!
How many letters??? any more clues?
well....My name includes 4 letters from the name mentioned above...Infact if u remove one letter from that arrangement and insert another one in...u will defitnitley be in a position to crack the code....!!!!
Ketan? Stephen? Deven? (man i sound like a naming convention) =D aite man i give up. Now won't you please fess up?
Hey Nigga...Dont giv up so soon maan....Lets rope this a little more....Im surprised, even after givin ya so many clues you cudnt figure this one out....neways ...here's another one....."ZCREENTEM"....Jumbled in this is my real name ...*Tip* - 2 letters donot belong to that arrangement..Get rid of them ...Com mon figure it out ... Ive made it as easy as possible for u to nail it ...
na... can't guess... anyways take care and let me know who you are whenever you feel like. i'm thru playing games =D
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