Thursday, June 09, 2005

I LOVE INDIA!!! But I hate Indian men, especially when they are educated and act uneducated. I took the bus today to go to work. At the stop there was a very beautiful looking college girl who took the same bus as I did. Now don’t get me wrong, but she really looked beautiful in the pure sense. She had a very beautiful face and her hair was even more gorgeous. She sat in the seat in front of me. About 2 seats ahead and on the opposite side of her seat, was a man who just looked back at her and stared at her continuously for a good 3kms!! (That's how far i go to work form home.) Kinda like having impure thoughts about her in his head… That was so fucking disgusting. And to make it all worse, he had that “BEAT ME UP” sign written all over his face, which i seriously wanted to follow after all one must follow signs on the road >=D Dis-fucking-gusting!!! I’ve noticed that in most Indian men. Some of them have loyal committed wives who’d probably do everything for them, but they just don’t seem to understand. The men always want something more… something more like SEX!!! And once that’s obtained then it’s time for SOME MORE SEX!!! Now most traditional Indian women aren’t open to a subject like that because of their culture, but the men feel that the women are, probably cause of the fuck-all Hindi movies that portray the Indian women like sex toys to play around with. I mean if the Indian man would only wait for the right time then I guess things would come naturally. But men are impatient and want things now. Guys shouldn’t think with their fucking dick-heads all the time. I remember tha ti almost made this same mistake once and i regret till today >=( When will things change around here I really don’t know. I think the concept of modernization is taking a completely new turn in evolution here in India, which shouldn’t be happening.

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