Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Ah... yet another day in my life... today however is comparatively better than yesterday... why???... NO WORK!!... I’ve got my weekly off... well here at Dell the company realizes the pressure its employees go through when we take calls... so the company is kind enough to give us 2 days to relax... Thank God for that...

NEways today’s been kinda dry... I’ve just been lazing my ass off in boredom at home... most of my friends who I like to be around with aren't here. Most of them are either working or have gone home to meet their loved ones. I spent most of my day downloading a few new numbers. I like a lotta Rap & Hip-Hop, but off recently I’ve got into R&B. I kinda like all type of music but I hate Trance. Trance sucks!!... sorrie make that... "TRANCE SUCKS BIG TYME!!!"... However there are exceptions but overall it sucks... lol.. Well today’s almost over NEways. Today I’m gonna go with my bro to pickup his bike. He's kinda given it for a makeover. Wonder what it's gonna look like. Well later y'all... take care... >=)

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