Saturday, April 12, 2003

Well yesterday started off on a bad note... a very bad note... Mr.B from the Quality Department (where I work) came and told me that my job was on the line. Shocking news!! Well since the month of April is still on the roll, I thought that he was bluffing... but deep inside me I heard a voice saying,"Denver why the heck would he joke about something like that?” I mean yeah I’ve just been takin like 16 calls outta 23... now that's like a deficit of 7 calls per day. So I guess I’ll be concentrating on work much much more.

Yesterday wasn't all that bad either. I mean yesterday was like a boon, an eye opener if i should say so meself. After I got the news that my performance was screwed I entered into a "I don't know why but I may end up shouting at you!" Trance. I wasn't myself anymore. I just went on spewing out senseless 1 liners (now that usually happens rarely... or very often, with people who don't understand the 1 liner completely... lol >D ) I It's nice to know you have friends around you that can always cheer you up when you are in a bad mood or when your spirits are low. Miss.I did an excellent job by cheering me up and lifting my spirits up once again. Miss. P did a good job but giving me Puran Poli to eat, even though I refused initially. I was dam hungry, but the trance made me forget what hunger was... Mr.K also helped cheer me up by playing Quake3 Arena with me at work today. Ahh!! I finallie got to kick some butt after ages... Infact today I was on a roll. For the first time at work I kicked ass ROYALLY!!..(Wait a minute.. meant like >D)... I was proud of myself; I never realized how good I’ve become at kicking butt in Quake3. Mr. K and me kicked ass so frikin Royally in Quake3 with our team mates (who've just become my new friends out there), that our "Killing Spree" duo had to split to keep the competition alive... lol!! .... I owe my Quake3 skills to my mentor Vilas (my best bud in Boston) who thought me the art of war. I then developed the art of kicking butt with his training...And now this is where i stand in comparison to anyone that i've played with....

Rank 6 - Novice
Rank 5 - Amateur
Rank 4 - Professional
Rank 3 - Unstoppable
Rank 2 - GOD
Rank 1 - Denver!! (lol ....Thanks Vilas!!! lol >D...)

I seriously thank God for these friends. A Friend who makes you feel special and makes you realize what you mean to them by the words they say (@ Miss I), Friends who make you feel special by sharing (@Miss. P) and then you have Friends who'll lend their ass to you so that you can kick it and cheer yourself up. (I won't take anyone's name here to shield "My Friend/s" from embarrassment).... lol >D

All I wanna say to y'all is:
" I LOVE YOU GUYz..." I know that in life's long journey each of us would tred a different path but I hope we still stay in touch with one another. I cherish, value and would forever treasure each relationship shared with each one of you. Thanks for being there when I needed you. =)

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