Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I’ve been suppressing a lot of emotions of recently. Like yesterday I met up with Sabina (a good friend) and just poured out a little bit of what was on my heart and mind. I haven’t done that in a very long time. Used to share that with friends, most of who aren’t around anymore, so I keep it to myself and hardly share my deepest thoughts with anyone. So now I’m just going to suck it all up and move the fuck on with my life. No time for emotions now anymore.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Been downloading and listening to ALOTTA new music and i've really got into Corinne Bailey Rae. Amazing voice backed with beautiful music. Yesterday after almost an eternity i hooked up with my XBOX. GOD i never realised how much fun the box can still be. Life's gotten a little tiresome off recently. Works draining my entire social life. I met up with a friend yesterday and it felt so good going for a ride and just chatting up with her. Infact the only place i ride the bike to these days is just work, classes and home. Played a little stupid april fool gag on her. Infact she is the one who shares one thing common with me. She loves animals!! Her mum's also sweet and polite. Today i found out that another friend of mine became a father. Congratulations Mason and wife!! Bless you guys...